LGBT in Video Games Today

Mason Gossy
2 min readFeb 17, 2020

Today we are all aware of the growing community of LGBT. In the realm of video games this has definitely arisen lately, whether that be a in a good light or not so much, though it is undeniable that they are definitely becoming more and more prevalent in the games industry.

Just last year Microsoft was the first big publisher to announce a game they were going to sell that featured the first lead character that was transgender. Now in the past we have definitely seen multiple iterations of LGBT characters and even transgenders all the way in the past since 1988 in Super Mario Brothers 2, Birdo, the egg shooting mini boss which was technically transgender. But the interesting part now is that transgender characters are now being seen taking lead roles in video games.

One of the biggest talks in the realm at the moment is there is information being spread that for character creation in Cyberpunk, we could possibly see an option where you can be selected as transgender. It is just a very interesting new arise in video games that I just don’t think is talked about too much. I think the important note here is that this isn’t just a small game, this a title hyped up to be game of the year before its even released. So, I just think it is really interesting and remarkable that the creative team at cd project red would take a risk on something like this, but I also appreciate that they are.

With that being said I think there will always be people too who support it, who dislike it and then people who just don’t really have an opinion and land somewhere in the middle. I guess an interesting take on it is that, if it gets more people playing and enjoying video games, great, I am always in support of branching into new directions and making games more available to new people. Now since such a large game may implement something quite controversial still, we could see it possibly be more commonplace in games in the not so distant future.

