What Makes Call of Duty Warzone Popular

Mason Gossy
2 min readApr 4, 2020

Call of Duty Warzone is not just another call of duty and certainly not just another battle royal. Most people are hard on the COD developers today just because it has been copied and pasted ruthlessly throughout the years, but this year has seemed to hit differently. Warzone hit a staggering 30million players recently in the past 10 days. Surely the numbers are a bit high due to the COVID-19 quarantine but there is still so much more to this game and battle royal that it seems like you are playing a game inside of a game at times.

Warzone brings so many new features to the table that seem to always please at least someone. Firstly, the battle royal has a variety of modes, the standard variation in how many you play, solo or in a group but the new thing added is called plunder. This mode you aim to collect as much money as possible by the end of the match, the two most efficient ways of gaining this are killing players and looting but the people with the most kills are the most likely to win this game mode. Camping has always been a problem in call of duty and battle royals and a game mode to really incentivize killing was a great idea by the dev team.

In addition to the game modes there is money like I spoke of and with this money you can purchase a variety of perks, loadouts and other fun things throughout the game at certain areas as well as complete contracts to give you an edge if you got the cash. You can even buy back in one of your teammates, once each time which dramatically changes up the game. Last but not least the biggest change is that after you die you get sent to the gulag which is a prison like 1v1 small arena where you get a random weapon and fight another person and whoever wins gets a second chance and spawns in randomly on the map, again changing of the game dramatically. Overall, I think warzone blew this new game out of the water with new features to keep the battle royal genre fresh and fun!

